On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 5:03 PM, Robin Burchell
<robin+me...@viroteck.net> wrote:
> Obviously, we'd probably need to rethink some things like project
> governance, infrastructure, etc - but provided these can be solved,
> what do you all think? Can it be business as usual?
I believe so. In fact I think this could actually enable us to create
a true open base truly governed by community perhaps similar to the Qt
Open Governance project. I think we should align with Qt releases as
much as we can as our *core* app dev technology. Through concentrating
on rocking Qt support, we earn a lot of great technologies (including
HTML5 if I read right the Qt5 direction) not to mention great SDK and
documentation to engage and attract veteran and new developers. (I get
people asking me all the time how to use Qt on Android, as the native
tools for them more often then not do not provide the experience they
know or heard of about Qt)

So I'll shed some light on how I see this and how we should proceed:

1) Concentrate on the handset and *ONLY* on it from now onward. "Do
one thing and do it best (tm)".

2) Invite contacts from any handset mfct. interested to tell us their
requirements and what would make it attractive for them to use as  a
base and try to respond to these. Nokia seems the first natural
company I would like to talk to. (Admittedly  as a passionate Nokia
fan, I would love to try and do something that would help Nokia to
produce the next Linux phone if they ever want to do this again.
People who are fans of other vendors could do the same)

3) Vendor involvement is only through having contacts but they do not
steer the project, unless getting into steering based by merit and
proving skills. Community steers it. They can make suggestion and help
in implementation but through the normal community channels, as a
community contributor. No precedence or short-lanes to vendors and
participation rights are based *only* on  merit.

Related to (2) I talked with Qualcomm people back then before SF2011
(we were supposed to meet in SF) about MeeGo but there was some
concerns back then due to the heavy vendor steering, perhaps now we
could invite them aboard, presenting a pure community project.

These are some steps I think we could take, I would propose to see how
we can align as best with Qt Open Gov now and follow their governance

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