On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 2:28 PM, Gabriel Beddingfield <gabrb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 09/29/2011 10:20 AM, Nasa wrote:
>>> 1) Concentrate on the handset and *ONLY* on it from now onward. "Do
>>> one thing and do it best (tm)".
>> Why would you exclude 4/5 of the people involved in the meego project?
>> Handsets weren't even the largest part of the project...
> Fine... pick IVI.  Pick *something*.
> MeeGo's complexity ({Netbook,Handset,IVI,Tablet} x {i586,armv7} x
> {MeeGoCompliance,PlatformCompliance,DeviceCompliance}) was apparently too
> much to bear even with corporate sponsorship.  If you continue as a
> community project, it's important to narrow this down in order to succeed.

++1 That is why I said so the first place. Trying to do everything and
in the same time proved us very wrong.

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