On 09/29/2011 09:33 AM, Robin Burchell wrote:
So Intel has upped and gone Tizen. What I wonder is: does this have to
actually spell the end of MeeGo?
Definitely not.

MeeGo has been intended as an open source project since the very beginning, and that means: let's keep the ball rolling.

In the past few days, we have seen that there is definitely a
community of individuals wanting to continue building products using
Qt (or simply writing apps using Qt on mobile), and MeeGo Core was a
good vehicle to enable making that happen. I wonder what the wider
community thinks about continuing work on MeeGo, if necessary, without
Intel - perhaps theoretically aligning with Tizen to minimise workload
(&  share apps) if possible.

I think the community is really interested on continuing this work, and as we most of all clearly know, MeeGo being an open source platform, then why not? ... this shouldn't stop _anyone_ interested on MeeGo to continue its development, deployment or even evangelization ;)

In this thread, we have already seen how some users have pointed out interest for that to happen, and also the interest that certain companies and even external projects have towards MeeGo, so my opinion is just welcome all that support and invitations, and let the symbiosis begin.

About Tizen, well, I guess we need to wait until they release further information about it (according to its website front page, within the upcoming weeks), and that way we can know better how MeeGo could cooperate and benefit from Tizen, we then would define the kind of symbiosis we want with such a project..... they also "promise" an easy transition for MeeGo developers and users, so this is a very good sign, if it is like it sounds , I think both projects could really gain a lot.

Obviously, we'd probably need to rethink some things like project
governance, infrastructure, etc - but provided these can be solved,
what do you all think? Can it be business as usual?

Of course, the current situation does change the scenario, we would need to re-think many things now, but hey, this isn't necessarily a bad thing, this could even be a great and good thing to do, in my opinion, this is the time to discuss more openly the road the community wants MeeGo to take .... this might also be the perfect time to address any issue we have wanted to change or improve for some time ...... This is the Time .... :)

One thing I really would like to see it is some kind of announcement about the current project in the general technical level, .... code, packages, OBS, infra, docs, translations, wiki pages .... what will happen with all this?, for how long the infra machines will be available?, how about OBS access to Core repos?, Do we still need it or we can do fine mirroring everything in a community server and working from there?, what about the web pages? ... and so on and so on ....... , MeeGo lifespan has been small, compared with other open source community projects, but in my opinion its contribution has been really big for the community itself in many aspects, and we should try to include all we can during this transition (if possible, and as long as someone is interested to do that work).

   --- Luis
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