On Feb 4, 12:20 pm, Roberto Spadim <robe...@spadim.com.br> wrote:
> it´s not the case, i will study redis maybe a protocol change can
> solve the problem
> lock is just for computer world
> it´s a mix of pic(gpio + logic) and computer
> it´s work very well, to problem is pic have low cpu memory and rom, in
> future i will change to ARM/x86
> i will try other solution maybe a proxy between memcache and pic with
> lock unlock function

  While you haven't described your exact problem enough for anyone to
offer a reasonable solution, what you've described doesn't sound like
a problem that you can solve by swapping out a KV cache with a KV

  I'd guess the easiest thing to do is to actually move the logic into
the server via a job queue.  If you don't think this will *greatly*
simplify your program and make it considerably faster, more reliable,
easier to maintain and solve all of your problems, then please
describe your problems as well as you've described your proposed

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