On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 11:24 AM, Kiran Kumar <krn1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi ,
> We are  using Memcache in a different/wrong  way , that is Memcache as a
> Complete Data Store itself .
> The setup of our Application  is in such a way that , there are two Memcache
> servers (Server1 and Server2 )where  both of them acting as active  active
> (Master - Master  ) each of them gets unique store of Data ,  and  finally
> repcached is applied  on top of these severs for providing  replication  .
> The Data is being replicated bethween these two  servers and i observed that
> there is a small delay regarding the two servers being in  sync with each
> other
> I am using Xmemcached 1.4 version as Memcache Client .
> I have these two questions with respect to the above set up of our
> Application .
> 1. Is the XMemcached Client Smart enough to read Key from   Server2 ,
> incase   it can't  find that key in Sever 1 ( As i mentioned that there is a
> small delay till both the servers are in synch with each other )
> 2.  Incase i  configure my Memcache client to use
> KetamaMemcachedSessionLocator inside the code , will this be of  any help
> with respect to the above scenario ??

There should be options for how the client handles a server failure:

Failure doesn't mean 'key doesn't exist', though, it means 'server
connection fails'.

   Les Mikesell

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