On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 1:56 PM, Kiran Kumar <krn1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Les Mikesell , Thanks for the link , but unfortunately that is no where
> related to my question above .
> anyway once again , What i was asking is that as there is some delay in Data
> Replication , will the Memcache Client checks server2  also  in case if it
> doesn't found in Server 1 .

No, I can't imagine any circumstance where a memcache client would
consider a key that doesn't exist in its expected location to be a
server error.  Why should it?    I think the only way you can get that
effect is to define only one server.  All clients using the same
hashing should store/retrieve it on the same target as the first
choice anyway with the only reason to retry being if one is down - but
that leaves you without a good way to handle the situation where the
down instance is restarted and its cache is empty.

   Les Mikesell

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