No, you will have to configure two client instances and read the key from
both servers in your application.

However, sometimes you will get a cache miss from one server and a cache
hit from the other server. And you have no way of knowing if that happened
because a value was written to one server, but the write didn't replicate
yet, or if it was deleted from one server, and the delete didn't replicate

I'm still incredibly curious as to why your system writes data to both
servers, you don't gain any performance whatsoever, you only create
consistency problems for yourself, and you lock yourself into a setup where
you can't utilize the linear scalability of memcached.


On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 6:24 PM, Kiran Kumar <> wrote:

> Hi ,
> We are  using Memcache in a different/wrong  way , that is Memcache as a
>  Complete Data Store itself .
> The setup of our Application  is in such a way that , there are two
> Memcache servers (Server1 and Server2 )where  both of them acting as active
>  active (Master - Master  ) each of them gets unique store of Data ,  and
>  finally   repcached is applied  on top of these severs for providing
>  replication  .
> The Data is being replicated bethween these two  servers and i observed
> that   there is a small delay regarding the two servers being in  sync with
> each other
> I am using Xmemcached 1.4 version as Memcache Client .
> I have these two questions with respect to the above set up of our
> Application .
> 1*. Is the XMemcached Client Smart enough to read Key from   Server2 ,
>  incase   it can't  find that key in Sever 1 ( As i mentioned that there is
> a small delay till both the servers are in synch with each other )*
> 2. * Incase i  configure my Memcache client to use
>  KetamaMemcachedSessionLocator inside the code , will this be of  any help
> with respect to the above scenario ??*
> Thank you very much .

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