I am coming around to thinking it has to do with a moral defect in  
liberals and some religious nuts that all human life is worthy of  
saving. Provide all sorts of crutches so that they can continue to  
wander the earth and one day something grand may come of it.  Fallacy

We humans are no more special than cattle.  As long as we provide  
some value, then it is worth keeping us around.  Once we no longer  
provide milk, or calves, or ... poop, ship off to the rendering  
plant.  Same sort of message this jewish boy had about giving fish v.  
teaching to fish.  I can see providing a very short term support so  
that fishing is learned, and then kicking them out of the nest.  If  
you are too brain dead to figure it out though, off to the Soylent  
Green factory with you.

Right now we have increasing unemployment, so this mass of people are  
not really spare labor to take up the slack.  Heck, there are just to  
dang many of them to really be a reserve labor pool.  What is being  
done is to ship jobs to china and then provide cash so the excess  
humans can purchase crap to keep wallyworld afloat or the dollar  
stores shoveling toxins out the door.

Maybe if the imported low quality crap were taxed in a manner that  
supported job creation in USA it would be good for all involved.   
Your craptacular Dollar store or wallyworld would have a higher tax  
burden than a retailer selling US made goods.  Sliding tax scale  
based on percentage of non US goods sold.

All the excess corn and soy products could be made into fuel or  
plastics and used here instead of sent to a third world nation that  
will lose it or waste it such that it never is seen or used by the  
starving masses it is trying to feed.  Somalia or Ethiopia are  
growing crops and selling them on the world market to the tune of  
almost the same tonnage as we donate to them in food aid.  What does  
that food aid do?  It teaches the local dark skinned farmer to sit on  
his butt instead of growing a crop because he can not compete with  
"FREE" food.  Then he moves on and that skill set is lost, the poor  
hungry coloreds get poorer and hungrier and we send them food as  
their economy and government become unstable.

Just about time to let the excess human population go through a  
"correction".  Nature should be allowed to run her course.  Cull the  
herd, rebalance the system and get back to a truly self regulating  
program.  Get out of the business of fighting forest fires,  
supporting non essential personnel, paying farmers to not grow crops,  
or business to engage in make work projects.  Sweep up the unused  
population and set them to repairing or building bridges and  
highways.  No work, no food, no luck, go to the Soylent Green factory  
for repurposing.

just my $0.02


On 19 Aug 2008, at 07:29, Rich Thomas wrote:

> What is a "fair" tax for all to pay -- % of income and total amount?
> Real hard numbers, not some vague generalities please.
> Reason I ask is that I always hear "paying their fair share" etc.  
> and I
> never hear any of them say what "fair" is.  I suppose it depends on
> where you fall on the political and income spectrum, but that word is
> un- or ill-defined.  I ask my more liberal friends and they launch  
> into
> long-winded vague responses that don't answer the question, making me
> think that they don't have one other than "more money."
> My sense is that people of lower income consume similar or more
> proportional to their income of tax-provided services than do
> higher-income people, so I wonder why higher-income people should pay
> for that.  Amounts of money spent on various "programs" targeted at
> lower-income people for the last, say, 40 years have shown no  
> benefit in
> reduction of poverty or crime or unstable families, and in fact  
> many of
> these measures show increases in such problems despite almost  
> continuous
> economic growth over that time period.  Not a lot of incentive to keep
> paying for those failures.
> There appear to be a lot of people still standing at the station while
> the trains keep leaving, and they aren't getting on them.  Part of the
> reason is that it is sorta easy to stay on the platform due to various
> "programs," and part of it is that there is just a portion of the
> population that is going to be lazy no-count dumbasses no matter what.
> Some people have legitimate needs that should be supported, others  
> just
> don't make an effort to elevate themselves (or take advantages of
> opportunities to do so).
> --R
> andrew strasfogel wrote:
>> And if you want the less wealthy to pay proportionately more in  
>> taxes, then
>> McCain's your man.
>> On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 9:11 AM, Rich Thomas <
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> "If you want more taxes on people who really make this country run -
>>> working Americans - to support yet another generation of
>>> sit-on-your-[butt]-and-collect-a-check slackers, then Obama's  
>>> your man!"
>>> http://www.philly.com/inquirer/currents/27063739.html
>>> --R
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