I am more concerned about the definition of the word "fair" when applied 
to the concept of taxation by those who want to take more in taxes from 
people who make more money.  Since "fair" changes with a change in 
income, I would like to see those who use that word define it, ideally 
in a table of income v. tax by % and total amount, kinda like what the 
1040 instruction book has in it.

It's a real simple question, but no proponent of "fair" share taxation 
has been able to tell me what they mean by that word.

In some ways, I'm a simple-minded kind of guy, so simple answers help me 
understand things better.  Like, "I make X, how much is 'fair' for me to 
pay in taxes?"

And then, "So, how did you come up with that number?"  [Answer probably 
takes a bit more explanation]

So, to Andrew -- if I made $150k per year how much would my "fair" tax 
be?  $50k, 75k, 100k, 200k, 250k just to round it out a bit.


  Obamanomics Is a Recipe for Recession

July 29, 2008; Page A17

What if I told you that a prominent global political figure in recent 
months has proposed: abrogating key features of his government's 
contracts with energy companies; unilaterally renegotiating his 
country's international economic treaties; dramatically raising marginal 
tax rates on the "rich" to levels not seen in his country in three 
decades (which would make them among the highest in the world); and 
changing his country's social insurance system into explicit welfare by 
severing the link between taxes and benefits?

The first name that came to mind would probably not be Barack Obama, 
possibly our nation's next president. Yet despite his obvious general 
intelligence, and uplifting and motivational eloquence, Sen. Obama 
reveals this startling economic illiteracy in his policy proposals and 
economic pronouncements. From the property rights and rule of (contract) 
law foundations of a successful market economy to the specifics of tax, 
spending, energy, regulatory and trade policy, if the proposals espoused 
by candidate Obama ever became law, the American economy would suffer a 
serious setback.

To be sure, Mr. Obama has been clouding these positions as he heads into 
the general election and, once elected, presidents sometimes see the 
world differently than when they are running. Some cite Bill Clinton's 
move to the economic policy center following his Hillary health-care and 
1994 Congressional election debacles as a possible Obama model. But 
candidate Obama starts much further left on spending, taxes, trade and 
regulation than candidate Clinton. A move as large as Mr. Clinton's 
toward the center would still leave Mr. Obama on the economic left.

Also, by 1995 the country had a Republican Congress to limit President 
Clinton's big government agenda, whereas most political pundits predict 
strengthened Democratic majorities in both Houses in 2009. Because newly 
elected presidents usually try to implement the policies they campaigned 
on, Mr. Obama's proposals are worth exploring in some depth. I'll 
discuss taxes and trade, although the story on his other proposals is 

First, taxes. The table nearby demonstrates what could happen to 
marginal tax rates in an Obama administration. Mr. Obama would raise the 
top marginal rates on earnings, dividends and capital gains passed in 
2001 and 2003, and phase out itemized deductions for high income 
taxpayers. He would uncap Social Security taxes, which currently are 
levied on the first $102,000 of earnings. The result is a remarkable 
reduction in work incentives for our most economically productive citizens.

/(Continued below.)/


The top 35% marginal income tax rate rises to 39.6%; adding the state 
income tax, the Medicare tax, the effect of the deduction phase-out and 
Mr. Obama's new Social Security tax (of up to 12.4%) increases the total 
combined marginal tax rate on additional labor earnings (or small 
business income) from 44.6% to a whopping 62.8%. People respond to what 
they get to keep after tax, which the Obama plan reduces from 55.4 cents 
on the dollar to 37.2 cents -- a reduction of one-third in the after-tax 

Despite the rhetoric, that's not just on "rich" individuals. It's also 
on a lot of small businesses and two-earner middle-aged middle-class 
couples in their peak earnings years in high cost-of-living areas. (His 
large increase in energy taxes, not documented here, would 
disproportionately harm low-income Americans. And, while he says he will 
not raise taxes on the middle class, he'll need many more tax hikes to 
pay for his big increase in spending.)

On dividends the story is about as bad, with rates rising from 50.4% to 
65.6%, and after-tax returns falling over 30%. Even a small response of 
work and investment to these lower returns means such tax rates, sooner 
or later, would seriously damage the economy.

On economic policy, the president proposes and Congress disposes, so 
presidents often wind up getting the favorite policy of powerful 
senators or congressmen. Thus, while Mr. Obama also proposes an 
alternative minimum tax (AMT) patch, he could instead wind up with the 
permanent abolition plan for the AMT proposed by the Ways and Means 
Committee Chairman Charlie Rangel (D., N.Y.) -- a 4.6% additional hike 
in the marginal rate with /no/ deductibility of state income taxes. 
Marginal tax rates would then approach 70%, levels not seen since the 
1970s and among the highest in the world. The after-tax return to work 
-- the take-home wage for more time or effort -- would be cut by more 
than 40%.

Now trade. In the primaries, Sen. Obama was famously protectionist, 
claiming he would rip up and renegotiate the North American Free Trade 
Agreement (Nafta). Since its passage (for which former President Bill 
Clinton ran a brave anchor leg, given opposition to trade liberalization 
in his party), Nafta has risen to almost mythological proportions as a 
metaphor for the alleged harm done by trade, globalization and the pace 
of technological change.

Yet since Nafta was passed (relative to the comparable period before 
passage), U.S. manufacturing output grew more rapidly and reached an 
all-time high last year; the average unemployment rate declined as 
employment grew 24%; real hourly compensation in the business sector 
grew twice as fast as before; agricultural exports destined for Canada 
and Mexico have grown substantially and trade among the three nations 
has tripled; Mexican wages have risen each year since the peso crisis of 
1994; and the two binational Nafta environmental institutions have 
provided nearly $1 billion for 135 environmental infrastructure projects 
along the U.S.-Mexico border.

In short, it would be hard, on balance, for any objective person to 
argue that Nafta has injured the U.S. economy, reduced U.S. wages, 
destroyed American manufacturing, harmed our agriculture, damaged 
Mexican labor, failed to expand trade, or worsened the border 
environment. But perhaps I am not objective, since Nafta originated in 
meetings James Baker and I had early in the Bush 41 administration with 
Pepe Cordoba, chief of staff to Mexico's President Carlos Salinas.

Mr. Obama has also opposed other important free-trade agreements, 
including those with Colombia, South Korea and Central America. He has 
spoken eloquently about America's responsibility to help alleviate 
global poverty -- even to the point of saying it would help defeat 
terrorism -- but he has yet to endorse, let alone forcefully advocate, 
the single most potent policy for doing so: a successful completion of 
the Doha round of global trade liberalization. Worse yet, he wants to 
put restrictions into trade treaties that would damage the ability of 
poor countries to compete. And he seems to see no inconsistency in his 
desire to improve America's standing in the eyes of the rest of the 
world and turning his back on more than six decades of bipartisan 
American presidential leadership on global trade expansion. When trade 
rules are not being improved, nontariff barriers develop to offset the 
liberalization from the current rules. So no trade liberalization means 
creeping protectionism.

History teaches us that high taxes and protectionism are not conducive 
to a thriving economy, the extreme case being the higher taxes and 
tariffs that deepened the Great Depression. While such a policy mix 
would be a real change, as philosophers remind us, change is not always 

**Mr. Boskin, professor of economics at Stanford University and senior 
fellow at the Hoover Institution, was chairman of the Council of 
Economic Advisers under President George H.W. Bush.**


  Obamanomics Clarified

August 4, 2008; Page A13

In my July 29 op-ed ("Obamanomics Is a Recipe for Recession 
"), I was among the many who took Barack Obama's statements that he 
would "end the Bush tax cuts for the top incomes" too literally. I 
interpreted this to mean a return to the pre-Bush tax rates of 39.6% on 
ordinary income and 20% on capital gains.

The Obama campaign has now clarified that he proposes to do this for 
labor earnings, but not for capital gains and dividends. I am told that 
Mr. Obama declared last year that he would raise these rates to "no more 
than the Reagan rate," by which he apparently means to 28%, from the 
current 15%. Mr. Obama would thus raise the tax rate on capital gains by 
about three times as much as President Bush cut it, but he'd preserve at 
least some of the Bush reduction in the double-taxation of dividends.

/(Continued below.)/


The 28% rate on capital gains was the price President Ronald Reagan paid 
to pass the 1986 Tax Reform Act that lowered the top marginal tax rate 
on ordinary income (including dividends) to 28%. The capital gains rate 
was cut to 20% in 1997 under President Bill Clinton, and again to 15% in 

However, Mr. Obama is proposing to raise the top marginal rate on wages 
(also interest, rent and royalties, etc.) more than 40% above the 
corresponding Reagan rate of 28%. Mr. Obama would thus give us the worst 
of both worlds: tax rates on ordinary income 40% higher than Reagan and 
on capital gains 40% higher than Clinton.

Raising the rate on capital gains to 28% would greatly reduce the 
ability of firms to minimize double taxation by returning cash to their 
shareholders through repurchases. As for dividends, the Obama plan would 
nearly double the tax to 28% from 15%.

I have revised the table that accompanied my op-ed showing the negative 
effects on the after-tax returns on investments to reflect the 
clarification. It is also available at http://www.stanford.edu/~boskin/ 
<http://www.stanford.edu/%7Eboskin/>^2 . Please use the new table for 
reference purposes.

I'm glad to hear that Mr. Obama is willing to retain at least a portion 
of the Bush tax cuts on dividends. But nearly doubling the tax rates on 
capital gains and dividends to 28% is a terrible idea that would damage 
fragile financial markets and the economy.

**Mr. Boskin is a professor of economics at Stanford University and a 
senior fellow at the Hoover Institution; he was chairman of the 
President's Council of Economic Advisers in the George H.W. Bush White 
House. (The Journal has frequently invited the Obama campaign to explain 
its tax plans in our pages, and we gladly repeat the invitation publicly 
here today.)**

Bill R wrote:
> Rich - Watch your language there. "Fair Tax" is pretty exactly defined in a
> book of the same name.  To eliminate ALL other taxes and go with a sales tax
> to the final consumer only [no tax on business to business sales or used
> items] the estimate is somewhere in the low 20's% [don't recall exactly].
> No income tax, no inheritance tax, no taxes on anything except sales to
> final consumer.
> BillR
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