Last I knew Greasecar was selling oil, and there was a place over in Ithaca
(about a half hour from my house in the wrong direction) selling for about
$1 a gallon. I was assuming he's got enough notoriety to be collecting tax,
but maybe not. I got into this for liking the idea of "free" fuel. But
anymore, I'm not so sure how "free" it is with filters and such...

And, yes some oil is getting thrown out. I know one Chinese place in
Hornell, where I work was in trouble at one time cause they were plugging up
the sewers with dumping in there.
Another chinese place in Corning where I live and was picking up oil from
was just putting it back in the cubies and then throwing it in the dumpster.
This seemed like a perfect situation to me, but apparently it's still too
much effort for them to either call me when they oil, or leave the cubes
where I can get them. At one point they said "the neighborhood would think
it looked messy". And this is in the location where they already have
spilled oil and lots of garbage boxes, etc. And next door is a computer
place with a 15 foot tall pile of a couple hundred computer monitors... I
should just go talk to them again. My problem is I'm not an outgoing person
in the first place, and nothing against chinese people cause I would be
worse if I tried to speak Chinese, but it is SO hard talking to them. We're
both speaking American, but there's a disconnect somewhere in the middle...


On 10/21/05, Christopher McCann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Agree again.
> "I'm afraid unless this stays a real pain the
> butt for doing the wvo thing so that your average
> person isn't going to want to do the work himself"
> There are 2 VO pumps in the country - last checked,
> they sell at 90 cents/gallon. If could fill up on VO
> at $1.50/gallon, I wouldn't even THINK of collecting
> and filtering.
> THat's the idea behind my industrial centrifugal oil
> filter (when I get it)...take all the messy work out
> for people and them a BIG FAVOR by selling them VO at
> $1/gallon...when you no longer get posts from me,
> you'll know I'm in prison for some sort of fuel tax
> evasion.
> Chris
> P.S. There may be laws about disposal of oil, bet they
> are not strictly enforced becuase the point in the
> past was that the oil not get dumped somewhere...which
> doesn;t happen, but now there will be a new reason to
> enforce.
> Chris

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