
Speaking as an ardent WVO biodiesel advocate, hearing
about large scale vegoil use for diesel fuel troubles
me.  Vegoil is intended first and foremost for food,
not vehicle fuel.  If the entire available cropland in
the US were converted to vegoil production, it would
satisfy less than one-sixth of the fuel needs of the
commercial truck fleet.  Extensive retail purchasing
of cooking oil for fuel will inevitably lead to an
ugly backlash from government officials. Do we want
the fuel doors on our cars to have a government seal
to be opened only by a licensed dealer?  If we think
the government wields a heavy hand on occasion, just
wait until people start messing with the nation's food
supply.  Prudence dictates that we should hunt down
more WVO sources and leave the cooking oil alone.


Bruce  [assumes defensive crouch]

--- Christopher McCann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Had lunch at Costco with my friend Jim, who is
> taking
> a trip this weekend. After downing 2 polish
> sausages,
> we went to my favorite aisle (#29) to get some
> soybean
> oil for him as my filter system is still not up to
> par
> yet (Costco oil is still substantially cheaper than
> D2
> here)...there were three guys already there
> purchaing
> oil for their greasel kit. They had gone 800 miles
> on
> their own filtered WVO and figured new VO at Costco
> was better than the pump. BTW, they were driving a
> VW
> pickup.
> Hasta la Revolucion!
> Christopher McCann, Squier Park, Kansas City,
> Missouri
> -1987 300TD, 150K miles, "Rotkäppchen" (Little Red
> Riding Hood)
> -1985 300SD, 209K miles, "Wulf"
> -1976 240D, ManyK miles,  "AKP-Wagen" (Alternativen
> Kraftstoffs Prüfenlastwagen = Alternative Fuel Test
> Vehicle) running
> WVO/WMO/LO/CO/WATF/WGL/WBF/DA/MS/lard/gas/kero/D2
> mix (do not attempt this unless you are willing to
> sacrifice your IP, injectors, pre-chambers, etc.)
> -1971 Case 222 Hydrive, 12HP Kohler, 38" deck, snow
> blower, "One Banger"

82 300CD 334kmi 'His'
85 300CD 236kmi 'Hers'
75 240D 194kmi 'Donner'
77 240D 204kmi 'Blitzen'

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