It is not a coincidence that the first Marxists infiltrated the US Gummit in Lincoln's administration, and have been growing their installed base ever since.

As Ben Franklin was leaving the Constitutional Convention which formed this
country a woman ask him "Mr. Franklin, what have you given us?"  to which
he replied "A Republic madam, if you can keep it"......

It would appear we have not yet lost it completely, but nearly.

A Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. A
Republic is a well armed Sovereign Citizen sheep telling the two wolves to
find dinner elsewhere.

Read the history of the ACT of 1879 and what happened to the Constitution
and the Republic afterwards... google will give you a few days of "light
reading"... many point out that as the start of our current troubles.  I
leave you to draw your individual conclusions, however much evidence is
given which shows loss of individual self determination and the rise of
"big government answers" and "social engineering" even 140 yrs ago.


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