The last new Crude Oil refinery built in the USA was commissioned over 25
yrs ago.  The EPA has made it impossible since then to build a new one and
existing refineries have cut every possible capacity to shrink their
exposure to the all mighty EPA to a minimum. In hard fact, the EPA induced
costs to upgrade or expand present Crude Oil Refineries is so cost intense,
even profit rich Exxon stumbles when faced with the facts.

Expected lead time to certify a new refinery is 10 years, if ever. During
that 10 yrs. you get to build, file and wait, while your investment capital
is frozen with a "no limit ceiling" commitment to meet all new or imposed
regulation, both state and federal.

The real world of running a refinery requires nearly 20 "compliance
officers" for every "labor person" and the standing joke on the yard is
"when the volume of paper meets or exceeds the volume of fuel, it may be
cleared to ship".

Because California causes cancer for nearly every substance known to man,
and it's main industry is air pollution control, the once thriving oil
industry on the west coast is and has been under siege for past 40 yrs. The
Gulf Coast area contains the bulk of the largest crude oil processing
facilities possibly capable of handling added supply and is presently the
receiving point for the bulk of Mid Eastern oil.

Under present conditions, a pipe directly to the existing Gulf Coast
refinery center would be the least costly for the Crude to Gas equation for
this oil field.

Or, we could simply close the EPA, capture and imprison the tree huggers,
build new refineries close to the oil, and have cheap gas again.  That
"Could be an Option"....

"Go Green, Green Back Dollars That is"

- Who designed, built, certified, and licensed the largest Bio Diesel
Refinery to ATSM 6751 Standard in the USA in 2007 at 20,000,000 Gallon Per
Month capacity and met all EPA , Air Quality, DOD, and Homeland Security
requirements.- [as well as every other 3 letter agency known to exist]
Cost to build the physical plant, about $10 million. Cost to do the
paperwork and get clearances and certifications, about $20 million and

On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 9:17 PM, Rick Knoble <> wrote:

> Actually, I think the idea is to refine crude in the Gulf Coast for
> shipment overseas.
> Rick
> Sent from my distant extension
> of A.G. Bell's invention
> On Jan 24, 2012, at 10:07 PM, "OK Don" <> wrote:
> > We ought to build a refinery or two up north, closer to the source, rther
> > than piping it all the way across a continent, then bck up for
> > distribution
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