On Sun, 11 Nov 2012 07:27:44 -0600 Peter Frederick <psf...@earthlink.net>

> This is also true in the US -- debt almost always explodes when the  
> Republicans are in power and falls when Democrats are.  The stock  
> market does much better under Democrats, too, on average (although  
> that's not such a tight correlation).

It depends upon how you define who is "in power." Is that the Congress,
the White House or both?

What you have said is not true. We had a surplus under Clinton because
the Republican Congress kept him from spending as much as he wanted.

Under Obama, with a Democratic Congress the first two years, our national
debt went from 10.5 to 16 trillion dollars -- an increase of 51%.
Remember the "cash for clunkers"? Remember the stimulus program which
didn't really stimulate anything?

> I've decided that the radial right has fully absorbed the lessons from  
> "1984" -- they use every expression in the OPPOSITE manner.  When they  
> say "my opponent is lying" it means they are, etc.

It's easy to call people names.


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