That's what I have, Roger. The lamp is like a large bulb with vacuum or some kind of gas sealed inside. When they first came out in the _(40s-50s?) there was a small bulb inside the sealed lamp. Later there was no bulb; just the filament inside the large lamp. There are three prongs on the back that plug into the typical three prong female plug.

On 4/23/2014 2:08 PM, wrote:
Curt / Gerry,
Not sure how you're meaning "sealed beam". My 1983 300D has yellow fog lights that look just like 
the dual beam headlight, only they are yellow for fog. There is no removable bulb, etc. in them, just what 
I'd call a "sealed beam" unit. I see them occasionally on eBay for sale and they are generally 
somewhat expensive, at least compared to the $9.00 I paid a few years ago for the dual beam hi/lo headlight. 
Now my 1980 has "driving lights" that are under the bumper and they are bulbs inside a shielded 
case assembly, and they are clear for driving, not yellow for fog.
Best Wishes,
Roger Hale
Dinnerware Classics, Inc.
Monroe, Ga.
770-267-0850 (new) (antique)


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