My rule of thumb on the octane issue is thus:

If you have KE-Jetronic and no knock sensor, do NOT use anything but premium on the highway. Midgrade is OK around town, but you really need the knock protection on the interstate as the engine cannot retard the ignition timing if it knocks. Burnt valves is the usual result.

On later models with LH-Jetronic and knock sensors, remember that retarding the timing will reduce both power and milage -- you will have to run both, keep accurate records, and decide whether the lower price is actually a savings for you own particular circumstances. I know that on several of my older cars, including my Mom's old Fairmont station wagon and the work van (with 300,000 miles on it!), the accumulation of crud on the piston crowns raised the compression ratio enough that regular rattled pretty badly. Premium cured the spark knock, and the increase in power and milage more than paid the difference.

It is entirely possible to have the milage drop so badly from retarded timing that it's more expensive to run regular than premium. You also risk damage to the catalytic convertor/oxygen sensor running late timing on acceleration all the time.


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