It's fairly common to mistake memorization for intelligence. One thing I always stressed when teaching is that ideas are different than words, and one must understand the ideas/concepts being translated into and out of words in order to learn.

My ex-boss is a perfect example -- she got straight A's all the way through to a bachelor's degree, but I don't think she every really understood anything. Certainly NOT engineering or wastewater treatment. I'm sure she was very frustrated because she had always been told she was really smart, but I don't think repeating the words in the correct order means all that much when you fail to understand what the words mean in actual reality.

Between that and her habit of going and asking around until she got the answer she wanted to hear and then blaming me when it was wrong made for some fun years, believe me. Didn't help that I'm older than her, either. She perfers good looking young men to get answers from...



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