They ban guns to protect themselves (the goobers) NOT the citizenry, The last thing a would be dictator wants is an armed populace. Lenin did it, and killed millions of his own, mao did it and killed millions oth their own. I'd guess 'Dolfie did it, he has been attributed to killing 6 million, (a piker compared to the prior two) on through the list of dictators through nearly every (J) politician (wanna be dictator) in this country.

Not a day goes by that the wisdom of the founders is not felt or seen.
archer75--- via Mercedes <>
May 11, 2017 at 6:40 PM
On Thu, 11 May 2017 07:58:24 -0700
After 65 years of trying unsuccessfully to control crime by banning guns,
it makes one wonder why governments are still trying to do it.

About 65 years ago I sat at a truckstop counter listening to two truckers. Their conversation went something like this:

Trucker A:
"Florida is a b*tch in the summer with no produce moving north."
"If I could find a load that just paid for fuel, I could get back up north where there are plenty of loads."

Trucker B:
"You can make fifty dollars taking a footlocker full of guns to a certain state up north that just made possession without a license a criminal offense." "Lots of drivers doing that since there is very little risk." I'll give you the number to call if you're interested."

I got up, paid, and left with a new understanding of "alternate" markets.


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