Call it what you want.  It is not an ethical sale, although it is legal.

How many ethical lawyers have you come across? I can't think of one I have come across that was ethical in all situations. (All have sinned and fall short...)

Dan Penoff via Mercedes <>
December 13, 2017 at 12:12 PM
Failure to read the terms before you give someone a credit card number is not the fault of the seller or provider of services. As with any purchase, it’s a buyer beware situation. Having done this with Amazon several times and dropped the membership before I was charged, they are very clear about this up front, and as I recall, I got notifications that the free membership was going to expire in a certain number of days as well.

And in the marketing classes I took in college, this is not known as “push marketing” - that’s when you offer incentives to the seller to promote or “push” a product, such as incentives to salespeople to promote a certain product or brand. This is nothing more than a free trial. They’re betting you’ll like what you get and stay on board. You’re betting you won’t and will be able to pull out before you’re charged. They want to make sure you’re serious and also eliminate the need to either kick you out after 30 days or come back and ask for payment. The ball is in your court to retract your approval - or not.

Again, no matter what you call it, it’s the consumer’s responsibility to understand what they’re committing to when they give out a form of payment, such as a credit card number.



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