
       I just use the powder packs from Home Depot, probably available 
elsewhere.  The material is inside plastic that dissolves in the commode 
releasing the enzyme powder which you then flush.  Then I just buy whatever 
root killer is currently available.  I agree about the bleach and other similar 
items as they tend to kill the bacteria you need in the septic tank to dissolve 
the "stuff".  I clean plates in the trash and the only food particles go out 
through the dishwasher which is small enough to increase the bacteria, but not 
big enough to plug up the drain field.

     As to redoing the drain field, you can add a large dry well as I've had to 
do many years ago and it solved a bad problem on a 30 year old drain field. 

Good luck Kaleb,


Roger Hale
Dinnerware Classics, Inc.
Monroe, Ga.

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