The Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola is free to visit, and WELL worth the time. It also houses a sizable research library for all things related to Naval Aviation. The Museum has the pilot's log book from on George H.W. Bush, an ordinary Navy pilot. He was the pilot of torpedo bombers. From my reading, it appears that torpedo bomber crews had the shortest life expectancy of any Naval Aviator, at least until late in the war, when Japanese ships became more scarce. It took guts to fly into fire that broght down most torpedo bombers before they returned to the ship. The last time he was shot down, he was the only survivor of his group, according to the article linked below.

RIP President Bush

I say he was an ordinary pilot because he did what most of his generation did. Went off to rid the world of murderous dictators. That was ordinary. He was an ordinary pilot. But what his generation did as a whole, was extraordinary! Being president makes him extraordinary.


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