"ULSD has almost NO sulfur but better lubricity than than ANY 
#1 diesel and than MOST #2."
  Becuase a lubricity agent is added, I assume...

Marshall Booth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  John Berryman wrote:
> On Apr 6, 2006, at 11:49 AM, Christopher McCann wrote:
>> So there is NO moving part in an IP that is lubricated with JUST  
>> fuel?  engine oil lubricates everything? Cant't see how that could  
>> be...I'm  probably wrong, but would like a little more info/ 
>> confirmation.
>  The parts of the pump that come in contact with the fuel are  
> lubricated by the sulphur in the fuel. There is no mixing (or rather  
> shouldn't be any mixing) of motor oil with fuel. Most of the IP is  
> lubed by motor oil. Viewing a cut-away of an IP may help you  
> comprehend the above statement.

Correction: Sulfur lubricates NOTHING! When refining to remove sulfur 
from the fuel, often other fractions that are lubricants are also 
removed. Unless they are replaced (they often weren't when low sulfur 
diesel was first produced) the fuel will have less lubricity. #1 diesel 
has the same sulfur content as #2 but #1 has MUCH, MUCH poorer 
lubricity. ULSD has almost NO sulfur but better lubricity than than ANY 
#1 diesel and than MOST #2.

   Marshall Booth (who doesn't respond to unsigned questions)
       "der Dieseling Doktor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
'87 300TD 182Kmi, '85 190D 2.0 161Kmi, '87 190D 2.5 turbo 237kmi, '84 
190D 2.2 229Kmi (retired)

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-2005 Blue Point Siamese, "Rose"
-1987 300TD, 151K, "Rotkäppchen"
-1985 300SD, 212K, "Wulf"
-1972 Jacobsen 21" Turbo Vent
-1971 Case 222 Hydrive, 12HP Kohler, 38" deck, Snowcaster, "One Banger"
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The reason Toronto is warmer is that we get a lake heat effect, whereas 
Barffalo gets a snow lake effect. The lake acts as a giant heat sink and 
on cold winter mornings you can see the heat rising off the lake. With 
the prevailing winds here it picks up heat and the city traps it as all 
cities do with heat.

In summer you get the reverse effect. It is usually a few degrees cooler 
at the lake.

Most times I've been to NYC in winter it's been colder than us here.

Jeff Zedic
87 300TD

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