We’ve always been a “nice” HOA. When our HOA was turned over to the owners, the 
consensus was that we would be a “nice” HOA.

When the economy was crappy we split the assessment payments up into multiple 
installments ($200/year pad quarterly as opposed to a single payment) to make 
it easier for people to pay their assessment. On more than one occasion we 
deferred assessments for owners in financial distress. We talk to our owners 
when there is an issue or violation so they understand what’s being asked of 

In a community of 250+ homes there are a couple of assh@ts. There always will 
be in a group of people that large. However, by and large the group is 
self-policing much like Curley’s neighbors are. Community pressure and gentle 
reminders/discussions tend to yield far better results, and people are far more 
cooperative when the relationship is non-adversarial.

Where we run into trouble is with institutional investors, like Invitation 
Homes and American Homes. They bought up a lot of mid-range properties when the 
economy was bad and turned them into rentals. As you might imagine, some 
renters don’t have a sense of ownership or community because they’re 
transitional. Dealing with these folks can be challenging, as can dealing with 
the management companies.

We recently lumped all of the violations for one of the management companies 
into a single legal action. They did not like this. It will cost them money to 
defend and sort out. However, it was the only way we could get them to respond 
and comply with our community standards. Big corporate entities tend to ignore 
groups like ours because they can. However, state law gives us far more power 
in the ability to “defend” our community and association, as they’re finding 

We’ll get their properties in compliance and their sandbagging will cost them a 
lot of money.


> On Oct 21, 2019, at 4:46 PM, Curley McLain via Mercedes 
> <mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:
> Daughter bought a house. No disclosure of HOA.   Lo and behold, there is a 
> HOA.  Got a copy of the bylaws.  Most of it is innocuous, but I am irritated 
> by "no clotheslines" one.   Why should "natural" and "energy saving" be 
> illegal?     I'm inclined to claim "no disclosure, no HOA" but most of the 
> neighbors are very nice.  Many are retired military. (Just lost a WWII bomber 
> pilot and a korea war pilot)  The HOA spends the dues money to maintain the 
> entrances and such, so its an ok HOA.   We do some volunteer work for the HOA 
> in the winter.     wunna the jackass neighbors called the city on her because 
> we let wildflowers bloom in parts of the yard before mowing.  City claimed 
> wildflowers are "noxious weeds."  Blah blah...
> There are new owners of a house down the street from her.  He is military, 
> (deployed right after they moved in) and their kid was killed in a car 
> accident in town right after they moved in, so most neighbors are willing to 
> cut them some slack, but most of the time, they have 5-6 vehicles parked on 
> the grass (mostly dirt and tree roots now)in front of the 3-4000 ft sq ranch 
> house.  The house is situated long side to the street, so it is 70-80 feet 
> long.   HOA does not forbid this, (parking on what is supposed to be lawn) as 
> they all move, mostly daily. Neighbors are talking to them privately, asking 
> them to park in the drive or the paved backyard.   It has helped somewhat.  
> To me, sowing some tolerance, and talking with them privately is a better 
> approach than invoking the long arm of johnny law.   This too shall pass.  
> They will move, or their kids/renters will go, eventually.
> G Mann via Mercedes wrote on 10/21/19 3:10 PM:
>> In Arizona, HOA's became so power mad the state had to legislate laws to
>> reign them in. Now, home owners have full legal recourse against HOA's who
>> abuse home owners and try to be self elected neighborhood dictators.
>> [Within the limits of the HOA protection laws in place.]
>> So, it is a two edge sword..
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