Don't you need a nice large roofed over area to keep your cars under?

When I did mine the cost of the 24x32 south angled solar support structure was included in the gov rebates. Also happens to keep the rain off the cars or any projects I am working on.


Floyd Thursby via Mercedes wrote:
I have a philosophical aversion to making decisions based on tax credits or anything involving gummint "help."

A friend of mine was all excited a few weeks ago about getting solar panels on his roof, tax credits and all that. He is a world-class ecologist and ocean researcher so he is into the environmental aspects of the schemes. Whatever. I popped by the other day to pick up something and he was lamenting the whole thing, the contractor (sourced through the electric company) was completely incompetent, etc. so he sent them on their way. The whole thing is on hold.

Another buddy apparently has a system installed now and is waiting for a Tesla battery to provide some stand-alone capacity in the event of power outage. I was over there recently but it was dark and I didn't see the install.

I have been thinking once I move to my more rural estate I might do some solar but it would likely require a solar "farm" i.e., free-standing panels on some racks or something because of the layout of the estate. But then I think about a tank of fuel with a generator to run things and that seems a better deal.


On 5/27/22 12:55 PM, dan via Mercedes wrote:
This is my position. I’m more than wiling to “go green” if it makes good financial sense. At present and for the foreseeable future, it doesn’t. That’s whether it pertains to cars or stationary power systems.


On May 27, 2022, at 12:51 PM, G Mann via Mercedes<> wrote:

In the interest of a reality check on that thought, consider this.
1. Since you would not be able to do a grid tie to the solar panels, you
would not receive any government matching funds for purchase and install of the solar rack. Your cost for a 10KW solar array would be, approx, $15,000.
2. You then need an enclosed and vented space for a battery bank [insert
cost per sq. ft of house area.]
3. You then need to purchase and maintain a battery bank. Estimated $8 to
$10,000, with cables and racks.
4. Now, a solar controller, to control battery bank charging and inverter
to control car charging. Estimate, $8 to $10,000 for that equipment.
Which gives rise to the question: "Does $8 per gallon for diesel sound so
bad in comparison, or are you truly committed to "Go Green via an EV"?

On Fri, May 27, 2022 at 7:20 AM Buggered Benzmail via Mercedes <> wrote:

Putting aside the environmental and international economic and security
issues associated with lithium batteries and PV panels, I like the idea of
a garage with PV panels to charge your car. Of course you would need
storage batteries in your garage to collect and store the electrons from solar photons so you can charge your car at night. The whole process should
be on the order of maybe 8% efficient if you’re lucky.

Sent from iFōn

On May 27, 2022, at 4:31 AM, mitch--- via Mercedes <> wrote:
When I first heard of ZEVs, I thought "Oh, you mean Remote Emissions

On 2022-05-26 17:24, dan via Mercedes wrote:
And I don’t want to start the back and forth up, but the electricity
to charge those batteries has to come from somewhere, and it’s likely
generated using fossil fuels at present.
So the emissions are going to come from somewhere in the process, just
not from a tailpipe on the car in this case.


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