Put a scanner on it and read the AC pressures and such and see what it
is going on strike
On 7/25/22 7:03 PM, Kaleb Striplin via Mercedes wrote:
After the other day AC has been working fine. On the way back from CO and it
worked perfectly for 7 hours. Temps were in the 70s thru low 90s. Made a stop,
back in car and it’s 105 and of course no hint of trying to cool except for
maybe once when I turned the system off and back in it seemed like it might be
trying to cool. I wonder if it could be a bad expansion valve rather than the
valve in the compressor sticking. I guess j could try replacing it first before
replacing the compressor. Since it quit working when the temps got higher I
would suspect maybe a low charge except it will suddenly start working (the
other day anyway)
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