Interesting, I'm thinking about one for our house, one for my parents and one 
for the northern estate.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Fri, Oct 14, 2022 at 3:56 PM, dan via 
Mercedes<> wrote:   Just for grins I clicked on a link for 
“MRCOOL DIY” mini-splits yesterday, and after going to their website got 
directed to a number of different retailers, one of which was Costco. I was 
just doing some research on a possible mini-split for the Flagstaff garage, 
which I was thinking might be a 240V 12,000 BTU unit or thereabouts.

The Costco price (members only) was significantly lower than all the other 
retailers who offered the same product (Amazon, Lowe’s). Costco wanted $1,450 
for a 12k BTU 120V system, Amazon $1,738, and Lowe’s $1,738.

This brand looks pretty good and has a lot of positive reviews. They’re 
designed specifically for DIY installation. I’m not quite ready to pull the 
trigger on one, but good to know there is an option directed at DIY 
installation that’s reasonably priced.


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