So drive it in 3rd gear.  Go on, it really won't hurt it. :)  I drive mine in
3rd at 70 once a week. Keeps the tailgaters off with occasional puffs of black

Luther   KB5QHU
Alma, Ark
'83 300SD (236 kmi)
'82 300CD (160 kmi)
'82 300D  (74 kmi) needs MAJOR work

Quoting carbucks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

If all was doing was freeway or autobahn driving, I'd keep the 85 with
its lower rpm at speed. However my trip to work is over a mountain range
at a 50 mph speed limit and it's just not happy. Now take it up to 90
mph and it's very happy.


Kaleb C. Striplin wrote:
Just curious, why are you keeping the 84 and selling the 85?  85 was the
last and best year of those.

carbucks wrote:

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