On Thu, 4 Jan 2007, Zoltan Finks wrote:

> By this do you mean press pedal all the way down and release, or press pedal
> all the way down and hold there?

Above freezing:

Turn key to glow. wait for light to go out+15 sec. Turn key to start. Hold 
key in start until engine fires regularly. (Release key)

Below freezing:

Turn key to glow. wait for light to go out. wait 15 more sec (depress 
accelerator fully here). Turn key to start. Hold key in start until engine 
fires regularly. (Release key) slowly back off accelerator.

It makes a BIG difference in cold starting. Pressing the accelerator while 
the engine is spinning is VERY different than while the engine is dead 
still. I have used this procedure on a dead cold engine (overnight sit 
with morning temp of 14F) without plugging it in, without problem.

I didn't bother with the cord last winter, and this winter... well in 
baltimore, daffodils are coming up.


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