I've been reading some of the Waverly novels (out of embarrassment
from owning the whole set, and having read only a few) - Scott's
stories about 17th and 18th century England, and the commentary about
the circumstances, are sadly reflective of today -- it's surprising
how many situations and quotes could be puled from current newspapers.
Even when the folly of the past is documented, included in popular
fiction, and taught, it keeps being repeated over and over. I read an
article recently that was questioning how much "free will" we actually
have, and how much is an illusion. It looks like more is programmed in
than we like to think.

On 1/14/07, Gary Hurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
things just repeat themselves.  no one learns anything.  there was
once this foreign adventure in a place called vietnam where i was told
we learned some great lesson, but now we see we've learned nothing.
the emperor never has any clothes and is always the last one to figure
it out.

Norman, OK
"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just
sit there."
Will Rogers
'90 300D, '87 300SDL, '81 240D, '78 450SLC, '97 Ply Grand Voyager

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