Steve MacSween <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> If you want a stinging critique on how 'free' our consumer/consumption-based
> system really is, find someone who emigrated here from the countries of the
> former Soviet Union, AND is old enough to remember the old system AND
> experienced their opened-up society prior to emigrating here.
> If you have any Disney-esque conceptions about our society (and I am
> speaking of both the U.S. and Canada when I say that), you won't like their
> take on us at all.
> In a nutshell, they feel our current state of personal freedom is a joke,
> our economy is about to self-destruct, and our society is extremely
> corrupt.

Personal freedom in the US a "joke" compared to the Soviet Union?
Please.  The problem I see with society here today is people not
wanting to accept the responsibilities that come with freedom -- not a
lack of the latter.

1983 300D
1966 230

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