Me too, Gary. Just adds another degree to the simmering rage inside me.

Gotta say, not to flaunt anything, but the couple of times that I've
called the cops (non-emergency number even) they have been to my house
within 5 min. Had to call them most recently when someone placed a
large human dropping, and some unknown liquid on my cloth driver seat.

Of course there was "nothing" they could do - were not interested in
the footprints in the snow or the piece of toilet paper left on
ground, and said that they couldn't do fingerprints due to the cold.

Anyway, all I can say is I too am sorry for your loss.

It does seem that the larger the town, the more the cops seem to just
throw up their hands.  When my Harley was stolen, the cop came within
an hour and just quickly and unsympathetically took a report and all
but ignored the evidence I pointed out. He just said "you're not
getting your bike back - it's across the border by now." He was wrong
- I later found out that it was sitting inside a van just up the
street. The drugged wackos in my complex were in on all of it.

Once again, my sympathies. All the talk on this is very depressing and true.


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