These creatures are infesting Houston too, homicidal sociopaths. Houston is a de facto "sanctuary city" where "undocumented immigrants" get a free pass ("law" enforcement cannot ask if they have legal status) so not much can be done about them unless they are caught in some flagrant crime. And even if they are caught for something and put in jail, they recruit a dozen more, and have more "cred" with their homies. I think the cops are afraid of them too, because they have no restraint in shooting anyone, cops especially. Part of their initiation into the gang apparently involves some random act of physical violence against some one or some thing, perhaps your car just got lucky. There have been several incidents here of that sort of thing, but a lot of it is not reported because any witnesses or victims will most likely be killed if they testify. There have been a few cases of that mentioned in the paper.

They have also been moving further away, out to smaller little towns. My parents live in a small town in KY (maybe 30k people), they were victims of some forgeries, so I got talking with the newspaper reporter who did a story about that. She covers the court/crime beat, nice young woman from a small-town upbringing in VA. Apparently a coupla MS13 vatos showed up there last summer to take over the dope business and the cops are (privately) scared s***less about it, as are the local gangstas who are totally outclassed by these vermin.. I have noticed the last few years a lot of Hispanics in the area, doing farm work. MS13 follow them, to sell dope and to shake them down as well. The cops are hemmed in on both sides, if they deal with these guys as they ought to be dealt with the apologists will be all over them, and more homie reinforcements will show up for vengeance. My sense is that the problem is being dealt with "quietly" as sometimes happens in small communities.

Not good.  No politician wants to deal with it, D or R.


Gary Hurst wrote:

i expect this sort of thing in places like san francisco.  but the fact that
it has even taken over georgia is something to think about

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