On Mon, 19 Feb 2007, Jim Cathey wrote:
> I sit here not five feet from my 1802 kit box, and its successor the
> semi-kit 6502 OSI machine.  (Cassette for both, floppies later added
> to the OSI.)  And _its_ successor, the 68000 S-100 system.  My first
> hard disk, and the first to even need a 16-bit address bus.
> What followed that?  Not a PC, I looked at one and walked away in
> disgust.  I waited, and succumbed to an original Mac.  A NeXT followed
> it, a variety of work-origined Unixey machines, and now a variety of
> PPC Macs all running OSX.
> I still have them all.  By the time I'm done with them they're
> worth far more to me as mementos than as assets to be sold.

I got rid of a lot of my old stuff, but I still have a uVax 2100, 
DecStation 5000/260 (the R4400 one!), DEC 3000/400, Sparc 20... Using an 
old proliant 7000 as a server, have a REAL odd bird here thats acting as a 
floor weight; a ALR designed Unisys box- 6 processor Pentium Pro with 1MB 
cache CPU's (they are black aluminum, not ceramic). I also have a couple 
of PPro overdrives kicking around! (think 333MHz P2 Xeon for Socket 8)


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