On 2/20/07, Gary Hurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
why don't the rest have such a slot?


Actually all of the G3 Powerbooks, before the change over to iBooks
and TiBooks and etc had PCMCIA slots.

The Kanga and Wallstreet had 2
The Lombard and Pismo had 1

The Kanga will *not* run OS X (officially, I think some have strong
armed it, but not best solution)

The Wallstreet (considered the best of the G3's by most), Lombard and
Pismo will run current OS X (again, very many rumors about 10.5
Leopard breaking a lot of systems compatibility)

The Wallstreet maxs at 512 MB RAM, technically the Pismo also maxs at
512, but some have gotten them to accept 1 GB with the correct DIMMs.

You can find Wallstreets starting at $220, Pismos at $300 (again,
Wallstreets considered awesome portable, hence only $80 between the

Then the iBook came along and changed a lot. Jobs ideas were that USB
and Firewire could be used for most of what peripherals that people
needed, so no need for PCMCIA.

Interestingly there was a company at one point that had a G4 upgrade
for the Pismo. Might still be able to find a G4 chip for one.

The original TiBooks also had a single PCMCIA slot, those start at
$380 - $400ish and are G4's

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