The Wallstreet is a wonderful machine -- mine is going strong, runs 10.2.8 with ease, but requires at least 512 MB RAM to load 10.4 (preferred). I actually usually run 9 on it, as I don't have a OS X version of Photoshop or Quark.

Pretty quick for a 300 MHz machine and rock solid reliable with a new hard drive -- the original IBM and Toshiba drives stink, and are probably all dead by now, that's how I got mine so cheap.

Only weak point is hinges -- but those aren't bad to repair.

DVD movie player with the correct drive and the DVD decoder card. Sadly, the Wallstreet is the last Powerbook to use a "non-standard" drive connector, so you are pretty much stuck with Apple or specific aftermarket drives. I get around that with a PCMCIA USB/Firewire card and an IDE to USB adapter for a spare DVD drive.


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