I've wondered why there were no diesel hybrids, it seems to me very obvious.

Hybrids are ONLY better in stop and go traffice, where the regenerative braking cancels out the fuel usage from acceleration. On the highway, they get slightly worse milage than the equivalent non-hybrid. I've gotten 32 mpg on the last two tanks of fuel in the 87 300D (due to the new head gasket and better compression), usually get 29 if I have to do lots of in town driving. This is not that much worse than a hybrid.

One of my co-workers has a new Buick, the midsized one. She gets 30-32 on the highway and mid 20's in town, and believe me, that's no tiny tin can!

My brother's Jetta Diesel gets between 52 and 55 mpg on the highway (5-speed), again easily beating a hybrid, even in town!


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