Not sure what his little mind was up to. He spewed out three kids in 18 months, had no room in the one car, so had to get his wife a minivan, he sees two other prius on the block, three hybrid honda, so maybe he joins the crowd? I have seen an increase the number of three point star cars in the neighborhood. At least one on each block within a seven block radius. Not many diesels, but that may change.


On May 27, 2007, at 9:46 AM, Rich Thomas wrote:

Maybe the Prius has some good points, but I notice that the people who
drive them seem to be 1) "holier than thou"-looking types (I know, that is a bad way to put it, but when you look at someone you can usually get a half-decent read of their personality) with "progressive" stickers on the bumpers, or 2) rather clueless consumers who heard that it is a good
thing and go pay for it not really analyzing the whole deal, or 3)
status-seekers among their crowd.  Your MSFT guy probably fits in at
least 2 of these groups if not all 3.  Most of my community probably
fits that profile as well. There is probably a very small percentage who
really understand all the factors, and make the decision.  But I also
see a lot of VW TDIs around, and new diesel Benzes for those in that
price range. A lot of old diesel Benzes driven by people like this group!

I think there is a lot of marketing going on these days about fuel
mileage and global climate change and such, that is not reality- based in
many respects.  Who knows what the answer is ( a combination of
behaviors and equipment I would think), but somehow I just don't get the
feeling that the Prius is the whole answer.  And I wonder too why they
don't make these kinds of cars plug-in hybrids right out of the box to
gain even more efficiencies.


Redghost wrote:
Microscum slave next door just had the sales folks over yesterday to
demonstrate cars at his house. He trades the saturn for a toyota.  He
was looking at the camry hybrid, but settled on the prius.  He was
strutting his stuff about what a great move he had made.  I did not
feel the need to knock him off his pedestal and let him know just
what a fake goodness he had done.  Saw him chatting up the other
neighbor with a new diesel VW about what a smooth move the hybrid
was.  Fool works for the evil empire, figure he is clueless, so why
waste good breath pointing out his failures


On May 26, 2007, at 5:57 PM, Kevin Kraly wrote:

It's all in the marketing.  People are told that their hybrid is
helping the
environment, and that's a good thing to help pollution and be more
lots of hipe.  I'll just stick with my Diesels.

Kevin in Hillsboro, OR

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