Charge cars at night with base load nuke power (put them closer to where the power is needed, NIMBY be damned) then supplement with (energy-efficient) biofuels, makes sense to me. My issue with little electrics and commuter cars to use for putting around town is the cell-phone yappers in bigass vehicles, for whom stop signs are not even within their perceptions (like the two I almost t-boned yesterday, within 6 blocks of the house). Maybe roll cages and restraints are the answer, though m1v1=m2v2 still applies?


Peter Frederick wrote:
There is no environmental gain from using chargeable hybrids -- you just replace using gasoline or diesel for the much higher carbon output coal fired power plant (with huge transmission loses, as they never build the plants were the power is used, they stick us poor midwesterners with them).

The real solution is not to drive as much, and I've gotten into the habit of staying home on weekends.



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