sounds like a lot of the politicians we have.

Most have gone into politics after getting a law degree.  Their so-called 
"public service" career starts
there and they never work at a real job -- which I define as one where they 
get up every morning
and go to work for too little pay for too long hours - every day, week after 
month after year. They
work with people who abuse them when they are only trying to help and/or do 
their job.  People like counter
service, bank tellers, salespeople, etc who deal with people on a constant 
basis - and are abused in
all manners of ways.  They also should have tried to start a small 
business - and must talk to all the
state, county, city and federal bureaucrats who exist to generate paperwork. 
Endless forms along with incomprehensible
labor requirements.  And if local unions have convinced the govt to require 
union membership to get a job
in most situations, there's a need to deal with them also.  All this goes on 
while trying to find new customers,
satisfy existing customers, maintain suppliers, and fill out all the forms 
that must be submitted else pay a fine.

And if you have employees, you have to stay on top of the OSHA reqments 
(Safety reqmts - and a LOT more) as well
as tax withholding and other payroll needs.  It was a stroke of genius to 
have employers withhold and submit tax
payments.  Any other method and a revolt would've happened long ago.  Can 
you imagine writing a check for the
gov/ share of your check each time you get paid?

No need to continue - I'm sure ya'll get the idea - there's a huge amount of 
experiences that are important to the voters
that the politicians have no concept of.

Even writing/calling/faxing politicians may have a limited effect - no 
matter which politician I write results in a form letter - some agree with 
my point while others are neutral and only say they are studying the 

See ya -  ;-)
Larry T (66 MGB, 74 911, 91 300D) for Oil Analysis and Weber Parts
Test Results
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hendrik & Fay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mercedes Discussion List" <>
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 8:22 PM
Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT Philosophy

>I do see a problem if peoples goal is to be rich and that is it.
> I'd rather be poor in paradise than rich in hell and that is the way I
> see things going in a pure capitalist society. Sure we all have coin on
> the hip but we lock up our castles, alarm our cars and worry like hell
> if we have enough for retirement.
> I know people who all they talk about is money and they are the most
> obnoxious people in the world, everything to them has a monetary value.
> The problem with absolute free enterprise is that it does not address
> corruption, which leads to price fixing, monoplies and other bad things
> which kill the idea of free enterprise. Thus there needs to be control
> but this control is often done by people who have no effing clue about
> things.
> And these 'self motivators' would happily stab you in the back to get
> what you have because they are addicted to wealth, just like a junkie is
> addicted.
> Remember a mans measure of success in life is not measured by how many
> people attend his funeral but by how many cry at his funeral.
> Hendrik
> Jim Cathey wrote:
>> People vary.  If happiness is a goal you need a system where
>> people are free to pursue whatever makes them happy, governed
>> so that this does not come at a higher cost in others' unhappiness.
>> Motivated pursuers will be more productive, large groups of
>> highly productive producers results in lots of things for the
>> rest to consume.  Visible success all around inspires more to
>> try to do the same, which when properly governed results in
>> additional bounty.
>> So far, the US 'experiment' seems to be the best at
>> turning out self-motivated producers.  Far from perfect,
>> as I'm sure is quite obvious to anyone, but the best
>> we've found to date.  It's a system that (so far) still
>> encourages healthy competition, and that's the secret
>> to its success.  (Measured in happiness and comfort.)
>> A myriad of other systems will also succeed, if you limit
>> the definition of 'success' to merely keeping the teeming
>> swarm alive.  Not my idea of success, however.
>> -- Jim
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