On 14 Oct 99, at 18:37, Jukka Santala wrote:

> Personally, I think the big problem with regards to this is not people
> quitting so much as the possibility of major hard-drive failure etc. on the
> testers. I doubt many of them keep good backups 

NO EXCUSE! A Zip drive or a CD-R is inexpensive and effective; one 
will service many networked systems, they don't all have to be 
running the same OS.

> (And the client is supposed to run undisturbed, anyway)

I thought the client was designed to run in the background to the 
user's normal activity. To me, that includes running backups. In any 
case, I can't see what harm there is to the client in copying the 
save files (also results.txt and the various ini & log files). The 
client usually doesn't have these files open. If you have a save file 
open for copying at the instant the client tries to write it then the 
file rename will fail & you'll lose writing the save file on that 
particular occasion. It's unlikely, but you _might_ lose an extra 
half hour's work if your system happens to go belly up in the 
interval before it tries to write the save files again.

> and with a test taking anywhere from year to two
> it's bound to become an increasily common experience for somebody's
> hard-drive to give up the ghost, or an error/virus wipe the drive clean, and
> the person running the test not only lose the work but probably take their
> anger out on PrimeNet once they learn there's no way to recover the work.

I get the impression that hard drives are becoming increasingly 
reliable. And virus infestations are very often not as destructive as 
all that, it's usually possible to recover data. The most frequent 
cause of data loss, by far, is the user accidentally deleting their 
own data.

If this happened to me, and I didn't have a backup, I'd have only 
myself to blame. And, personally, I'd be more concerned about lost 
data that I couldn't recompute in _any_ finite time.

If it _really_ worries us that PrimeNet might get "blamed" for data 
loss, let's put a clause in the PrimeNet "rules" to the effect that 
users are personally responsible for the security and integrity of 
GIMPS/PrimeNet data on which they're working.

Brian Beesley
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