At 07:15 PM 12/5/2001 -0800, Mary Conner wrote:
> > No.  The server never contacts the client.  That's too much of a security
> > risk in my book.
>That isn't exactly what I meant.  Given that his exponent has been expired
>and assigned to me, if he then checks in later to report further progress
>on the exponent, will the server tell his client that the exponent has
>been expired and assigned to someone else, or will it tell me the next
>time I check in that he is still working on it?

If he checks in his result, primenet will return error 11 - but your 
will continue.

>Or do both of our clients continue happily chugging away on it?

I think prime95 removes it from worktodo.ini only if you have not
started the LL test.

Obviously there is some room for improvement here.  The current scheme
works OK for first time checks since yours would then become a valid

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