>On Tue, 8 Jun 1999, Holger Waechtler wrote:
>dlopen is really easy to understand:

Based on your explanation of uinx dl___() calls and my fairly extensive
knowledge of the Windblows counterparts I'd say it would take less than an hour
to hack a dlopen() interface on top of the Win32 API calls, keeping all other
code in Mesa unknowing of at least *that* difference.

At least theoretically. There is the twist that Win32 supports at least three
different call sequences (but system DLLs *should* be "declspec(stdcall)").
What's actually going on in the different support DLLs for the 3DHW
(Glide2x.DLL, VERITE.DLL, etc.) could vary quite a bit since it's all IHV

Just my 2c.

Mesa-dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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