On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Keith Whitwell wrote:

>              I think a better approach would be to compile everything
> we are capable of & do the checks at runtime. 

That's exactly the thing I want to do. The linux-3dnow target is currently
the one which compiles in all available optimisations and decides at
startup, which ones it will use. This is done by gl_identify_cpu_features.

To be shure, that the feature-detection-function works correct, it gives
out some messages at this time. As soon it is well tested, we can remove
all related printf's.

Later we can rename the linux-3dnow(-glide) to linux-generic-x86 or
something like this.

(And if the autoconf stuff works, we won't need these targets anymore - )

I would be happy, if we could do something similiar with the FX/NV/G200
driver - Mesa would become a generic super-driver similiar to the SVGA
X-Server, which decides at runtime, which hardware driver it will use.

Hmmm..., what interface use the GLX-drivers -- could we use them for a
Mesa-without-glx, too ???  

But back to the x86/MMX/3dnow stuff:

the configure script could use a logic like this:

 try to compile common_x86asm.S  -- sucess ??
                                        yes -> cpuid command is supported 
                                               by binutils, good.

 try to compile x86a.S  --  success ??  yes -> define USE_X86_ASM & add 
                                               all x86*.S files to the 
                                               list of files to compile

 try to compile a MMX file --      (there exists none at this time)

 try to compile a 3dnow_* file --  success ?
                                        yes -> binutils know 3dnow
                                               commands, define
                                               USE_3DNOW_ASM & add all 
                                               3dnow files to the list of
                                               files to compile

- Holger

Mesa-dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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