On 21.08.2009 20:26, Ian Romanick wrote:
> All,
> In the next couple hours I'm planning to merge the asm-shader-rework-1
> branch to master.  In my testing I have found that it passes at least as
> many (and in a couple cases more) tests than the current code.  One of
> our internal tests runs about 89,000 vertex programs.  This test takes
> about 30 minutes (1,800 seconds) on current Mesa master.  On the new
> code it takes about 25 seconds.
Good work!

It seems to break (all of) doom3's (vertex, at least) shaders however.
At least with r200, here's the doom3 output for the main r200 vertex
shader (others break in exactly the same way).

GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB: line 1, char 43: error: syntax error,
unexpected $undefined

error at 34:
ariant ;

# this is slightly simpler than the ARB interaction,
# because the R200 can only emit six texture coordinates,
# so we assume that the diffuse and specular matrixes are
# the same, with higher level code splitting it into two
# passes if it isn't
# I am using texcoords instead of attribs, because a separate
# extension is required to use attribs with vertex array objects.
# input:
# TEX0  texture coordinates
# TEX1  tangent[0]
# TEX2  tangent[1]
# TEX3  normal
# COL   vertex color
# c[4]  localLightOrigin
# c[5]  localViewOrigin
# c[6]  lightProjection S
# c[7]  lightProjection T
# c[8]  lightProjection Q
# c[9]  lightFalloff S
# c[10] bumpMatrix S
# c[11] bumpMatrix T
# c[12] diffuseMatrix S
# c[13] diffuseMatrix T
# c[14] specularMatrix S
# c[15] specularMatrix T
# output:
# texcoord 0 = light projection texGen
# texcoord 1 = light falloff texGen
# texcoord 2 = bumpmap texCoords
# texcoord 3 = specular / diffuse texCoords
# texcoord 4 = normalized halfangle vector in tangent space
# texcoord 5 = unnormalized vector to light in tangent space

TEMP    R0, R1, R2, lightDir;

PARAM   defaultTexCoord = { 0, 0.5, 0, 1 };

# texture 0 has three texgens
DP4             result.texcoord[0].x, vertex.position, program.env[6];
DP4             result.texcoord[0].y, vertex.position, program.env[7];
DP4             result.texcoord[0].w, vertex.position, program.env[8];

# texture 1 has one texgen
MOV             result.texcoord[1], defaultTexCoord;
DP4             result.texcoord[1].x, vertex.position, program.env[9];

# textures 2 takes the base coordinates by the texture matrix
MOV             result.texcoord[2], defaultTexCoord;
DP4             result.texcoord[2].x, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[10];
DP4             result.texcoord[2].y, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[11];

# textures 3 takes the base coordinates by the texture matrix
MOV             result.texcoord[3], defaultTexCoord;
DP4             result.texcoord[3].x, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[12];
DP4             result.texcoord[3].y, vertex.texcoord[0], program.env[13];

# texture 4's texcoords will be the halfangle in tangent space

# calculate normalized vector to light in R0
SUB             lightDir, program.env[4], vertex.position;
DP3             R1, lightDir, lightDir;
RSQ             R1, R1.x;
MUL             R0, lightDir, R1.x;

# calculate normalized vector to viewer in R1
SUB             R1, program.env[5], vertex.position;
DP3             R2, R1, R1;
RSQ             R2, R2.x;
MUL             R1, R1, R2.x;

# add together to become the half angle vector in object space
ADD             R0, R0, R1;

# put into texture space
DP3             result.texcoord[4].x, vertex.texcoord[1], R0;
DP3             result.texcoord[4].y, vertex.texcoord[2], R0;
DP3             result.texcoord[4].z, vertex.texcoord[3], R0;

# texture 5's texcoords will be the unnormalized lightDir in tangent space
DP3             result.texcoord[5].x, vertex.texcoord[1], lightDir;
DP3             result.texcoord[5].y, vertex.texcoord[2], lightDir;
DP3             result.texcoord[5].z, vertex.texcoord[3], lightDir;

# generate the vertex color, which can be 1.0, color, or 1.0 - color
# for 1.0 : env[16] = 0, env[17] = 1
# for color : env[16] = 1, env[17] = 0
# for 1.0-color : env[16] = -1, env[17] = 1
MAD             result.color, vertex.color, program.env[16],


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