This++. I've been scratching my head at some of these; having them specified
would be great.

Posting from a mobile, pardon my terseness. ~ C.

On Feb 1, 2010 11:25 AM, "Brian Paul" <> wrote:

Speaking of texture formats and texture sampling, one area of Gallium
that's under-specified is what (x,y,z,w) values are returned by TEX
instructions when sampling from each of the various texture formats.

A while back I started a table comparing OpenGL to D3D:

texture components    OpenGL          D3D
R,G,B,A               (R,G,B,A)      (R,G,B,A)
R,G,B                 (R,G,B,1)      (R,G,B,1)
R,G                   (R,G,0,1)      (R,G,1,1)
R                     (R,0,0,1)      (R,1,1,1)
A                     (0,0,0,A)      (0,0,0,A)
L                     (L,L,L,1)      (L,?,?,1) (probably L,L,L,1)
I                     (I,I,I,I)      (?,?,?,?)
UV                    (0,0,0,1)*     (U,V,1,1)
Z                     (Z,Z,Z,Z) or   (0,Z,0,1)
                      (Z,Z,Z,1) or
other formats?        ...            ...

* per
** depends on GL_DEPTH_TEXTURE_MODE state

For OpenGL, see page 141 of the OpenGL 3.1 spec.
For D3D, see

We should first add a column to the above table for Gallium and then
decide whether to implement swizzling (and GL_DEPTH_TEXTURE_MODE) with
extra GPU instructions or new texture/sampler swizzle state.


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