andu wrote:
> >I've used Supercard for years but much prefer MetaCard for numerous reason.  
>However Supercard and FlameThrower are a fantasic combo for writing CGI's on my Mac 
>web servers.
> >
> >I'm not sure how Flamethrower works but it bridges the gap between the HTTP server 
>and the stack allowing easy scripting for the most complex cgi's. However SC lacks 
>the power and flexibility of MC.
> >
> >So, Is there a similar app to FlameThrower for MC ?  If not is there one in the 
>pipeline ? Or is there another solution (maybe sockets which I don't know anything 
>about). I don't want to use Applescript as I've had performance problems in the past.
> Flamethrower is based on the server sending appleEvents to an application 
>(hypercard, supercard, metacard) with a "request" to the application to sort out one 
>way or another the information received by the server and generate a "result" which 
>is to be sent back to the client by the server.
> Taking this as the principle you can pretty much duplicate the functions of FT in MC 
>gaining speed and more respect ;-) but the much more efficient way to have a server 
>do CGI work is to script your own server using the sockets possibilities built into 
>MC and forget about the appleEvents stuff (gain even more speed and respect;-) and 
>have the server process all the data coming in from the client.
> >
> >Any help would be appreciated.
> >
> >Regards
> >
> >
> >Gary Rathbone
> Regards, Andu
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As Andu explain, Metacard is natively able to do best and more than
Flamethrower or, even, LiveCard never did. Just try ;-)

Best Regards, Pierre Sahores

CRDP de l'academie de Creteil
WEB, DB, ASP, VPN, B2B design

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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