Scott Rossi wrote:
> Recently, Jacqueline Landman Gay wrote:
> > "Blendlevel" is a
> > geeky term. Everyone knows what "transparency" means, many programs use
> > it, and I'm baffled at why MetaCard doesn't use it too.
> I'd guess that the use of the term is based on the corresponding ink effect
> "blend".  Folks that have worked with ink effects before (Director,
> SuperCard, mTropolis and others) know this term quite well.

Okay, your explanation makes sense and I'll concede, if the term really
is familiar to a majority of users (which I'm not sure of yet, but...
okay.) But even so, the docs ought to have at least a passing reference
to a more common term for the rest of us.
> IMO, the imageData, maskData, and alphaData properties are much more "geeky"
> (I believe you and I are still waiting for some more detailed instructions
> for their use)

Yes, it would be a revelation. But to play devil's advocate for a
minute: imageData, maskData, and alphaData are undoubtedly
self-explanatory terms to those who need to use them. But the rest of us
need a more common English reference and a bit of explanation.

Where does one draw the line? I vote for syntax in common terminology
which the majority of people can understand. Avoidance of technical
jargon is important in an xtalk language. "Blend" is technical jargon
apparently familiar to graphic designers. "Transparency" (or even
"opacity") is self-explanatory to anyone. The same jargon occurs with
"alphaData" -- undoubtedly familiar to graphics programmers, but not so
familiar to us.

Is there "betaData"? ;) I like the way it sounds.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     612-724-1596
Custom hypermedia solutions    |

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