on 22/5/01 7:38 PM, Dominique at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Geoff Canyon ecrivait / wrote:
>> I think of Bic pens. What the heck _does_ it stand for?
> Black Is Changed

Following summary adapted from Apple's QuickDraw documentation:

                       Action on destination pixel
                  If source pixel         If source pixel
    Source mode     is black                is white
    -----------   ---------------         ---------------

    srcCopy         Force black             Force white
    notSrcCopy      Force white             Force black
    srcOr           Force black             Leave alone
    notSrcOr        Leave alone             Force black
    srcXor          Invert                  Leave alone
    notSrcXor       Leave alone             Invert
    srcBic          Force white             Leave alone
    notSrcBic       Leave alone             Force white

  The COPY operation (srcCopy) completely replaces the pixels in the
  destination bitmap with the pixels in the source bitmap. The
  inverse COPY operation (notSrcCopy) completely replaces the pixels
  in the destination bitmap with a "photographic negative" of the
  source bitmap.
  The OR operation (srcOr) adds the black pixels from the source
  bitmap to the destination bitmap. The inverse OR operation
  (notSrcOr) takes a "photographic negative" of the source bitmap,
  and then adds the black pixels from this negative to the
  destination bitmap.
  The XOR operation (srcXor) inverts the pixels in the destination
  bitmap that correspond to black pixels in the source bitmap. The
  inverse XOR operation (notSrcXor) inverts the pixels in the
  destination bitmap that correspond to white pixels in the source
  The BIC operations (srcBic modes) turns pixels in the destination
  bitmap white when they correspond to black pixels in the source
  bitmap. The inverse BIC operation (notSrcBic) turns pixels in the
  destination bitmap white when they correspond to white pixels in
  the source bitmap.

NB: these are the modes as they apply to black-and-white source and
destination.  For colour, things are a little more complex - and the
interpration less consistent between platforms.  See Apple's documentation


and for the 'arithmetic transfer modes' (including "blend" and


I have to say that I agree with Andu: for some things you have to learn
about the domain and the concepts, and there are names that go with those
concepts.  I know nothing about music; if I want MetaCard to play some notes
(can it? let say HyperCard), I imagine I'm going to have learn about some
new concepts, and the names associated with them.

  Ben Rubinstein               |  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cognitive Applications Ltd   |  Phone: +44 (0)1273-821600
  http://www.cogapp.com        |  Fax  : +44 (0)1273-728866

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