Hi folks,

i found an irritating behaviour, when deleting files in a repeat-loop.

Fortunately i found a solution fr that, too.

In case someone is interested:

set the directory to soundordner()
get the files
  repeat with i = 1 to the num of lines of it
    if there is a file (soundordner() & line i of it) then
      delete file (soundordner() & line i of it)
    end if
  end repeat

With that script, i had to click the btn several times
to get rid of ALL the files in that folder. (?)
(Yes, i even waited a couple of minutes, but 1 file was
always left in that folder.

Now i added just 1 short wait-statement and the files
are gone with ONE click.

  repeat with i = 1 to the num of lines of it
    if there is a file (soundordner() & line i of it) then
      delete file (soundordner() & line i of it)
      wait 5      ##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    end if
  end repeat

Maybe this is helpful to others, too.

(Can somebody explain why this workaround is necessary???)


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