At 1:14 PM -0400 7/17/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>1) Tie drawing the focus border to the showBorder property.  This
>    means you'd have to put another object (e.g. a group) around a
>    field you want to have a border but no focus border.  More work,
>    but then, breaking the rules should require more work.
>2) Make it apply to all objects (i.e., buttons and players also get a
>    focus border in the Motif look and feel, and it might be nice to be
>    able to turn this off).
>3) Make it global or an inheritable stack property.
>4) Hack the focusColor property to have some non-existing color be a
>    cue to not draw the focus border at all.

Choice number 4 sounds like the best, though a hack in MetaCard 
itself really doesn't sound too appealing... I suppose you could make 
it work more elegantly in the next release you make where the file 
format changes.  For now, though, setting the focusColor of an object 
to "none" or "transparent" would be as good of a workaround as any, 
I'd say.

And wow, this whole thread is amazing:
Company: "We've given you a new feature."
Users: "We don't quite like it, it's not exactly perfect, change it."
Company: "How?"
Users: "Like this."
Company: "Okay, done and done."
You don't get service like this anywhere else!  Thanks so much Scott  :-)
Karl Becker, KB Productions -
Featuring:New Tricks, Tiger's Eye Pub, and The Fishin' Hole

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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